Are Home Prices Dropping. When is the best time to buy a house. Several home sales have gone down in the first six months. There are more homes on the market, yet there are multiple offers. Interest rates have gone up, yet their people are buying at full price. And there’s a concern about recession. […]
Tight Housing Market: Why are there No Homes for Sale?
Tight Housing Market: Why are there No Homes for Sale? Well, whether you’re searching for homes in nine hills or anywhere in Orange County, in fact, pretty much anywhere nationwide as of January 20, 2022. Today, I checked the multiple listing service of which I’m a member and there are only nine homes for sale. […]
2022 and 2023 Housing Price Forecast
Redfin’s bold housing forecast 2023
Redfin’s bold housing forecast 2023 Here is a direct quote from the Redfin’s annual Housing Market Outlook. It says, “We expect home sales to sink to the lowest level in more than a decade in 2023, as high mortgage rates keep housing costs up and prevent people from moving.” No surprise, as the rates have […]
Real Estate Crash 2022
Buying a Condo vs a House
Pros and Cons – Condo vs House
Steps to Buying a Home for the First Time Home Buyer.
Steps to Buying a Home for the First Time Home Buyer. If you’re watching this video, you are one step ahead. You are already thinking about doing some research and having some thoughts about possibly buying a house. So congratulations and welcome to my channel. I’m Mike Patel, and I’ll be giving you some tips […]