What are ARM Loans. Variable Rate Loans. What is an adjustable rate mortgage or what is an ARM loan? Well, as we know, in the last year or so rates have really gone up, interest rates have gone up and still may go up. So many buyers are looking for alternatives to paying the high […]
Real Estate Crash 2022
Buying a Condo vs a House
Steps to Buying a Home for the First Time Home Buyer.
Steps to Buying a Home for the First Time Home Buyer. If you’re watching this video, you are one step ahead. You are already thinking about doing some research and having some thoughts about possibly buying a house. So congratulations and welcome to my channel. I’m Mike Patel, and I’ll be giving you some tips […]
Can I afford to buy a house today
Do Not Do These Things When Closing on a Home Purchase
Should you Buy Or Sell now in this changing Housing Market.
Should you Buy Or Sell now in this changing Housing Market REASON #1 Excellent underwriting. As you may recall, during the recession, prior to the recession, banks made toxic loans to anyone with a driver’s license. It was only a joke– but that is how loans are distributed. They extended loans to each and every […]
Should I buy a house now or Wait?
What is a good Monthly Retirement Income?
What is a good Monthly Retirement Income? What are some of the brilliant ways to have retirement income, or what we call passive income when you retire? Obviously when you retire, you’re not going to work and you need to have some money, hopefully more than the Social Security money. So I’m going to […]
The top ten most expensive luxury homes in Anaheim Hills
Check out some of the luxury homes available in Anaheim Hills, priced between $1.8 million to more than $3 million. Then compare them to similar luxury properties in areas like Malibu, Beverly Hills or Laguna Beach. You’ll see that these homes are an awesome buy if you are in the market for high-end luxury and […]